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I've got 360, which I wanted from day one, and a pS3 which i was lucky enough to win! :) But I do have trouble turning off my 360 to play the PS3. I was mostly Xbox last gen because of Live and Halo, and I have such a huge friends list and social situation set up on 360 that I find it hard to go to the PS3. I always feel like I'm missing something with my friends on Live.

I also love achievements - not a whore about it - but there's just something gratifying that I miss when I am playing on my DS/PC/PS3. i got so used to the little sound popping up.

And I like the controller better on 360 by far (tho I don't have a DS3 yet - maybe it'lll help. I do play PS3 sometimes for exclusives like Warhawk - though it'd be more fun with my friends. I get bored by myself or with my few PS3 buddies.

I bought COD4 for PS3 for something to play on it and to give me a reason to use it more and give it more of a chance, but i ended up trading for a 360 disc because I wanted to play with my friends.

It's not realy anything against Sony or PS3 - it's just that when I play 360 I feel part of a community and on PS3 I feel like I'm paying alone - even online much of the time.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?