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I am waiting for the correct price/performance ratio.

1 - cant include anything I would need to replace later (sixaxis) - so must include dual shock 3

2 - BC is nice but not nec for purchase

3 - games I want must = about 250-300$ worth in cheapest able to be found at the moment.

4 - potential is irrelevant, only what is out matters. 

I give  MGS4 a worth 40$ for me personally

Resistance  1 - 20$

FFXIII - 40$

Haze - 20$

Resistance 2 - 40$

Uncharted - 30$

this is some examples of what i'd be willing to wait for the prices to hit to aquire at the moment.

Ps3's not gotten 250-300 worht of games for me yet thus I can wait till its worth it still.  Its a constantly changing value system. 

It has a chance of being worth it 2 me by the end of the year to me.  We'll see.

doesnt matter what it's retail is worth, just what i'd be willing to pay for it today if I could play it today.