thismeintiel said: [...] LOL, I think you're the one who doesn't get this. You think the iPhone would sell so much if the product was crap? No, it delivers buyers what they want. Though, hype is what drives them to stand in line for hours to buy it. The fact is the PS4 delivers, both in power and games. Something people don't feel about the other two, at least not in great numbers, hence why they are falling behind. |
Everyone of you people is right here. Good products generate hype. The PS4 did not only profit from the massive fuck-ups by Nintendo and Microsoft but also from the PS3, which got a very good reputation towards the end of last gen. So people more than happily switched to PS4. With the Wii it's a whole different story. It sold a whole friggin lot, but a lot of people weren't happy with the system. So they doubted ifthe Wii U was any good - no hype. The 360 has its own problems, you have your hardware melting down regurlary in the first couple of years and the lack of big first party releases in the last years.
The iPhone also continues to give the users unique features and it is able to crush the Galaxy S in benchmarks despite the lower specs on paper. Of course marketing is also important, but it all comes down to the quality of the product. If your product isn't any good, hype will die really fast. If your product is the second coming of christ, hype will build all alone, you don't even need marketing. It just makes things faster.
Hype is not always a bad thing. Whoever makes good products deserves it. The opposite would be fantastic marketing with a bad product behind it. Watch_Dogs would be such an example if you ask me. But only if you ask me. =P
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