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I don't mind if it takes a few hours the first couple of times, just as long as I can speed that up on subsequent journeys. Previous games did this well enough by allowing all such as a huge block to be pushed off a ledge, a gate to unlock, or a rockfall to to remove.

I mentioned this idea before, but It bears repeating again, because it seems so Zelda-y: how about a midboss blocking a route, which will move for reasons other than being twatted with a sword? If you're feeling brave, you could perhaps beat them up and get your shortcut to another area, or if you've been rupee / treasure hunting, perhaps the midboss will open up about how they don't actually want to do this, but they've got a family of little darknuts to feed. Beating this midboss will probably clear the route for you and get some nice loot, though it could also let other nasties into the new, undefended area. A bit of charity could mean the midboss will still block the way, but step aside only for you.

This could allow the world and its inhabitants to feel more "alive", while giving the player the choice to shape it as a side-effect of choosing their own narrative pacing. Rushing through could make for a harder endgame where you are much more alone. I like the idea of a game which rewards explorers with discovery and brawlers with greater challenge.