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JayWood2010 said:
DucksUnlimited said:

PS4: 10.5m - 5.5m(YTD) = 5m for the rest of the year

XB1: 6.5m - 2m(YTD) = 4.5m for the rest of the year

Interesting. So you think the Xbox One and PS4 will sell roughly the same for the rest of the year? That would mean X1 sales would be more than double what they have been so far this year, yet PS4 sales would be less than its current YTD.

i think it can range from 1-3m.  Thats why i have max/low numbers usually.  I think the difference can be much less than what they were for the first 9 months though.  I think Sunset Overdrive, Halo MCC, CoD Bundle, Introduction to new territories, and Forza Horizon will do well for X1 making it much more even, ps4 to outsell it overall but much more even.

Of course I could be way wrong but that is what i predicted off the top of my head (More so ps4 since i made a more thought out prediction for 2014 on WIiU/XBO a few months ago)

If the PS4 wasn't also going to be getting things to increase its sales then maybe you would've had a point. If the PS4 continued to sell roughly the same as it has this whole year and got no holiday boost it would sell ~4-4.5m, so 5m with Holidays, Destiny bundle, LBP3, Driveclub, Far Cry 4 marketing, etc is extremely pessimistic and simply not realistic. Your Xb1 numbers certainly can happen, but a 2.5 times YTD boost in the last 4 months is definitely out of the ordinary for non-Nintendo consoles.

This just seems like another case of "predictions" really just being a wishlist.