Dota 2 spawns largest New York eSports event ever in Madison Square Garden
ESL One is hosting the “largest in-person competitive gaming event ever held on the East Coast” in New York this October. The Dota 2 tournament will take over the 5500-seat Theatre in Madison Square Garden, and see eight top-ranked teams scrap over a $100,000 prize.
Big Claptrap: Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel trailered at GamesCom
If any given Borderlands game is about half as exciting as its trailer, we can expect pretty good things from its Pre-Sequel. This here’s a country-rock stomp through the motives of its cast of future villains and their mission: to save a moon.
Cities: Skylines is a simulator sequel with "sprawling" maps and mod support
Did you know the developers who make the Cities games are called Colossal Order? That’s what these games are about: bringing some semblance of design to a sprawling set of systems.
Maxis’ SimCity reboot didn’t exactly go off without a honking tree or two, which gives the Finnish studio another couple of years to establish the Cities series as the alternate mayoral simulator. Cities: Skylines is their latest attempt at that.
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