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Ubisoft wants to improve its reputation amongst PC gamers


With its stance on DRM, insistence on cramming Uplay into everything and some problematic ports, Ubisoft isn’t often seen as being PC friendly. But European boss Alain Corre says that the publisher to improve support for PC. 

“We recognise the importance and needs of PC gamers, and want to continue to improve how we create and support games for PC,” he told MCV at Gamescom. 

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There's quite a bit of reckless driving in this trailer for The Crew


While there’s something presumably appealing about driving the breadth of the USA - an activity described in great detail in countless novels, accounts, films and songs - Ivory Tower’s massive driving game, The Crew, features quite a bit to do in between enjoying a brisk drive across an entire country. 

Most of involves smashing into things and driving really fast. 

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Invisible, Inc. is sneaking its way onto Steam Early Access on August 19th


Invisible, Inc. - not be confused with the stealthy calligraphers tool - is due to hit Steam Early Access on August 19th. And if the prospect of controlling a group of spies across procedurally generated levels as they gather intel and make guards go to sleep, then this is possibly exceedingly good news. 

It’s also absolutely gorgeous, as evidenced by the new Early Access trailer. 

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Want to go higher? The Elder Scrolls Online update 4 will introduce Upper Craglorn


To stop veterans from becoming degenerate drunks or tiresome bores who do nothing but send people to sleep with tales of long forgotten deeds, ZeniMax Online added the veteran adventure zone of Craglorn to The Elder Scrolls Online. Those who completed its quests, delves and trials are no doubt wondering what’s next. With Craglorn conquered, what other realm is filled with things needing a good smacking?

But hold your horses (or silt striders), you’re not finished with Craglorn yet. There’s still Upper Craglorn to get through. And it’s coming this September with Update 4. 

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