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starcraft said:
mrstickball said:
I was going to go PS360 at some point by proxy - I was going to have to buy one for my Girlfriend, since it had the games she wanted.

However, with Kingdom Hearts 3 in question....There's no absolutely no need to buy a PS3.

She wants..

Silent Hill 5
Resident Evil 5
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Kingdom Hearts 3

Among other ones. 3 of those 4 are on 360...So guess what she's NOT getting?

The difference between this gen and the last is simply that the competition to Sony's platform is viable (even more viable than Sony's lol) enough to port of co-develop every single third party game. As third parties made up the vast majority of good Sony exclusives last gen (GT and GoW accepted), that doesn't look good to PS2 upgraders.

Shadow of the Colossus, Twisted Metal, Singstar and many others also excepted.  And, these 3rd parties that made the PS2 exclusives you're referring to?  A number are making sequels exclusive to PS3.  Huge names; system movers. Maybe you've heard of some of them or are selectively forgetting...I don't think I'll go through the list.  If they happen to come out later for 360, too bad, too late...they won't jumpstart flagging 360 sales. 

PS3 has more developer support than 360 (talking about games in development and genres represented, not talking about number of games already released...1 year head start for 360 makes it apples and oranges).  Plus, 100 Sony studio games in development...and a great many will be 'good' and yet crazily enough won't be GT or GoW.  

It looks great to PS2 upgraders.  HD becomes the norm this year.  PS3 is the box.  PS3 has Blu-Ray.  PS3 has the edge in games going forward.   360 will be passed and doubled up in sales by gen end.