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JEMC said:
zarx said:
There is also a Japanese indie sale on Steam

So, any suggestions?

Not that I'll follow your advice, but some poor soul may do it :P

One Way Heroics is a neat take on the roguelite genre, but you might as well just grab the Humble Japan bundle for that


Croixleur Sigma is kinda like Devil May Cry's Blood Palace mode. Where you fight waves of enemies. It's pretty simple but it's fun to play, and most importantly the Steam Trading Cards are worth a lot (relatively) lol. Waifu based cards people!


99 spirits is an interesting litte puzzle game wich a light jRPG structure. I haven't really played much of it tho, and I am not sure if it's interesting enough for me to back too myself.

Most of the others are SHMUPs and hard 2D platformers which I haven't played so I can't say for those. I hear good things about La Mulana tho, if hardcore puzzle platformers with light combat is your thing.

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