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I am Catholic. I am a pretty open minded person; I have heard many strong arguments from the skeptic side and stuff that might provoke questions from believers. But I am still a Catholic not because I close my mind to the arguments, but because I have faith, and that's something not even the most argumentative atheist can attempt to change. I do respect any opposing point of view, but I don't have to agree to it.

There is one thing that really ticks me off and that's some atheists referring to God as an "invisible man in the sky" as a sarcastic reply, as many other provoking thoughts. Again, I respect their points of view, but I, at least, feel it's something to elicit a response from believers. You go someplace over the internet, and you see some blatantly mocking Christians and their points of view, and honestly, it makes me take them less seriously. This applies to both sides.