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I think there's a chance we'll hear about some of the markets getting sold out of units at launch, but it won't be because Europe has suddenly become a powerhouse in sales for the Xbox One, but rather because retailers, and Microsoft, won't be stuffing the channel with too many. Even Microsoft would be seriously surprised if they gain a lot of traction in those countries, and so I doubt that they are going to expend many resources stocking them to the brim. And the individual stores are going to be looking towards keeping a tight ship and efficient stockroom for when the holidays hit, so they're not going to be stocking up on more units than they think is, at minimum, necessary. In other words, unless the console under performs in those regions even more than pretty much everybody including Microsoft is expecting, they will likely have some rather vague 'supply constraints' claims emerging.

As for the baseline, good rule of thumb is that however many you think the Xbox one is going to have as a baseline in those regions, expect the PlayStation 4 to outsell it by at the absolute minimum 2:1. Even 2:1 is only if the Xbox One does MUCH better than expected, 3:1 is much more likely. So anyone expecting a 30k baseline for the Xbox One out of those regions, it basically insinuates that the PlayStation 4's baseline from the same regions will average 60-90k.

Zanten, Doer Of The Things

Unless He Forgets In Which Case Zanten, Forgetter Of The Things

Or He Procrascinates, In Which Case Zanten, Doer Of The Things Later

Or It Involves Moving Furniture, in Which Case Zanten, F*** You.