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That launch might be possible, I say 150k max but who knows. But that 15-20k a week increase from countrys that first dont care for the xbox brand, second have had it in grey markets forever and third have had the ps4 already so why would they get an x1? I think the baseline won increase more than 10k.

China wont do anything. Like I said before, in china for $600 they can build a gaming pc wich is much better than an x1 and has games they actually want to play and if they want to play x1 games they can since x1 is loosing a lot of exclusives to pc due to its under performing. And I think the lowest launch price is $650 in china I think.

Wii u under 40k, now your just delusional. And what realy gave it away that your just joking is that ps4 will drop to 110k, With that we know its not a serious threat.

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