Anfebious said: After finally buying a decent PC I can finally enjoy a little bit of PC gaming! It is incredible how good these PC's are for gaming and I spent this week enjoying a lot! After all these hours of enjoyment I was able to experience Microsoft exclusives and I must say some of them where quite entertaining. Gears of war, Halo and others are very fun! So I was wondering why Sony doesn't release their games on Steam... More people will have access to the incredible line up of exclusives! Games like Uncharted, The Last of Us, Little Big Planet and others! I feel Microsoft is right in putting their games in PC too and Sony would benefit a lot from this move. In fact I created a list with the positive aspects: -More people playing Sony exclusives! -120 fps and 4K resolution! -A lot more sales, which means a lot more money! I'm sure there are a lot more positives aspects but these are the key ones. What's your opinion guys? |
You'd be a fool to pay your games on pc or believe that people playing on pc are buying them. Crack everywhere, always was, always will be. And it's not the case, it's for other reasons. Crack is the utlimate service, no need of plateform, download, play and do whatever you want with your game. As simple as that.
And really, I know Playstation first party titles - Because exclusives are not always owned by sony - are not that great. I am a playstation follower, I even have a playstation vita, but The Last of us remastered put aside, Sony first party titles are really forgettable nowaday. Except PS2 titles to me, some of them are gem I would like to have on pc without having to rely on crappy pcsx2.