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My numbers:

Wii: Around 32.5m - 33.5m at the end of October at current pace. And based on last year and its current pace it will do about 7.6m during Nov + Dec. Year end: 40.1m - 41.1m.

PS3: Around 16.5m - 17.5m at the end of October at current pace. And based on last year and its current pace it will do about 4.2m during Nov + Dec. Year end: 20.7m - 21.7m.

360: Around 21.6m - 22.6m at the end of October at current pace. And based on last year and its current pace it will do about 3.6m during Nov + Dec. Year end: 25.2m - 26.2m.

Keep in mind these numbers are based on projections purely from how the consoles are doing now to determine sales through October and sales now in relation to last year to determine Holiday sales. Things can change and I'm not saying these are absolutes. Furthermore these numbers are heavily based on some of the slowest gaming months of the year so they are likely low.

Conlusion: All of your projections are reasonable, but its worth noting that your PS3 projection is your only projection on the high side of the current pacing.

offtopic: Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to imply anything, you just got me thinking was all. I would love to do a study where each person was asked to rate how much they like each console from 0 to 10 and then give them some basic sales data and ask them to make a 1 year projection based on that data. Then correlate the projections to how they rated the consoles in the beginning and find out how much a like or dislike can bias a projection. Everyone has biases of varying severities so it would be rather interesting indeed.

To Each Man, Responsibility