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shikamaru317 said:
Soundwave said:

I don't see that console selling any better than the Wii U to be honest. Nor do I see developers supporting it (make games for PS4 + X1 which will have a userbase north of 70 million by then ... or Nintendo's console which is a little more powerful but has a userbase of 0). 

You need to have something much more powerful than just 1.5x better than a PS4 to have any real tangiable difference on the screen too. 

Yeah, but the problem is that Nintendo can't afford to make a console that is more than about 1.5 times more powerful than PS4 by 2016 while keeping it in the price range that Nintendo fans are used to for consoles. At the very least a switch to x86 from PPC and 1.5x the power of the PS4 should get Nintendo some multiplats, at least until the PS5/XB4 release a year or two later. What will happen at that point depends on just how powerful PS5 and XB4 are, if they're only about 1.5 times more powerful than Nintendo's next console then Nintendo should still keep getting some multiplats, but if they're twice as powerful as Nintendo's next console Nintendo may end up in nearly the same position they're in now with the Wii U (though still a better situation since they'll likely still share the same architectures at least, and the gap between Wii U and PS4 is more like 3x). 

I don't think Nintendo would be ready to make a home console that soon (a console that's a generational leap forward) though. 

They'd have to support the new handheld too ... I don't think they wouldn't be able to pull it off. 

Personally I suspect too that games with PS3/360 level visuals are about the upper limit of what Nintendo deems acceptable for a game budget.