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You’d be forgiven for thinking that No Man’s Sky was a PlayStation 4 exclusive. It’s been heavily marketed alongside other Sony greats over the last few months, but the developers have clarified exactly where you’ll be able to play the game when it releases. Sure, it’ll be first on PlayStation, but it definitely won’t be staying there.

In the latest publish issue of Edge magazine, director Sean Murray spoke about making the game feel console-y:

No Man’s Sky is coming to PC, but will launch as a timed exclusive for PS4. So has that changed the game in any way? ”I actually got in a bit of trouble for saying that we wanted the game to deel really console-y” says Murray. ”We’ve always had PC in mind but in my head (console-y) means solid framerate and immediate controls”

“I think a PC game can be ‘console-y’ and it’s intended as a compliment, but I get in trouble for saying it.” But While Hello always planned for it’s game to come out on consoles, knowing it’s lead platform has been useful.

There’s a large article about the development of No Man’s Sky in Edge, as well as more information on Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture and much, much more.

Source: Neogaf