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Burek said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

LOL from what I am seeing you have a good point and more than likely are correct lol. Because I can't see any real logical reason for all the back and forth when NO ONE even knows how this will work. Heck $30 a year for an ENTIRE backlog is SUPER cheap and that would mean MS/EA would be coming out of some money to make this happen so where will they make up for that money? How many games a year? Are the games only available for that month or do you only get a limited amount of time with those games? Is there a set number of hours you can play a game per month or year? How big will the downloads of the game be? I can keep going and going on so many questions lol. But what is the point in thinking like that lol.....there is no fun in that!

Actually, most of your questions already have an answer, and also many XBox owners already started using it, so they know how it works.

EA already said that Vault games never get deleted, and new games will be added at a set schedule. All Vault games work same as PS+ games, you download them to your console and play them as much as you like as long as you subscribe. Downloads will be as big as the game is big, what kind of question is that?

Subscribers will have access to new games a week in advance, and the access will be on game-to-game basis. So, Dragon Age for two hours, sports games will have some mides unlocked etc. This is also nothing new. EA has Early access to sports games for many years now. Only by now those were $20 just for Madden, FIFA and NHL. Now it's $30 for an entire year and many more games ..... And those older games from previous paragraph...

See, no need for questions, many answers are out already. 

And yet people still defend $50 PS+ and at the same time bash this service. They are both the same, and are both a great value. According to all, except Sony and their appologists. 


I am very upset at Sony right now. Until they issued that crap PR statement, I was just sad that MS got the deal and I got left out. But upon finding out that Sony flat out refused to offer it's customers a service being provided by the 3rd party, I was irritated beyond belief. There are dozens of apps on my PS4, and I already subscribe to some like Crunchyroll and MLB. All of a sudden, this app gets blocked, and even ridiculed.

And I hoped everybody would be upset. But then people en masse start defending Sony for being a "good guy"? I was completely shocked. 

I better leave it at this, and abandon this thread. Surely Road Not Taken is a better deal than Battlefield or Madden. Or even Peggle...

Oh I am not defending what Sony said by any means or bringing up PS+ at all. It just felt that this service and the questions had not been fully answered yet. And okay if all that information is already out there then that is different and people that find value in it should be fine with it and those that don't should just ignore it. And wow so just for subscribing you get access to new games a week in advance? And you get an ENTIRE backlog of games that will never be deleted all for just $30 a year no catches? If there is nothing else to this and everything is clear then yeah it is indeed a very good deal.  And they have clearly already laid all of this out and this is for sure how it will work?

Unless Sony knows something about this that we don't then I don't get their statement at all...well it's not as if I ever defended it anyway though lol.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23