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NiKKoM said:

"Creating a higher fanbase" doesn't mean a lot.. Is there any prove people actually by the DLC (who buys DLC for a game they rent?) Arent Crysis 3 and Deadspace 3 (PS+ games in europe) the last of their franchise.. Create a fanbase for the non excisting sequel? even if there are sequels its gonna be 2 years since they were a part f PS+..  How many games are from EA on PS+? It also can devalue a brand, making people wait till it comes to PS+ or GwG.. Sure it can happen to this too but at least people are paying EA..
We are talking about multi billion dollar companies..  We all have seen the numbers.. its going down the drain..  If EA gets money from this directly from their older games not having to deal with Sony (negotiations), giving consumers more games from the EA library, for a better price they think they will be profitable with.. i'm all for it..  Why should EA give their Games to Sony or MS for pocket change when they can get more money from it themself and offer more?  For exposure? for people that might buy a sequel? That's not a strategy for anyone.. Shouldn't the money go to the developers and publishers who make those games.. and if Activision wants to compete with a 25 dollar subscription why not?

Can it devalue PS+ or GwG? Sure.. do I care about that? Nope.. its nice to have options..

I don't know how that doesn't mean a lot. A game sells X amount of copies during it's original run. Then becomes free on PS+ and the people who didn't buy it originally, play it. If it's a good game, they have 1 more fan. And clearly people buy DLC for games they "rent" because if you google "DLC for PS+ games" you have tons of forum/community posts asking if they keep their DLC if their sub runs out (which repeatedly gets explained that you keep the DLC, not the game).

And actually, Crysis 2 was on PS+ and Dead Space 4 is "in the cards". I can't find a filtered list of EA Games on PS+ but I can personally tell you that I bought Crysis 3 because I had fun playing the [free] Crysis 2. Anecdotal evidence, but it shows that "free exposure" and "creating a larger fanbase" is possible.

But I've never argued the monetary implications on EAs side. We have seen that dev/publishers get cash in making their games available on the IGC (I don't know if there's a better price than 'free'). But let's just look at that statement you made: "why should EA give out games to MS and Sony for pocket change". Ignoring that exposure works and more money = higher chance for a sequel (that's not a strategy for anyone? L. O. L. If people didn't gobble up games, there wouldn't be sequels. They make sequels based on 'potential' purchases by looking at the reaction the first game got). No more PS+ or GwG. No more trials, betas, discounts, etc. that are uniform. You want discounts on EA games, you gotta get EA Access. You want discounts on Activision games, you're gonna need Activision Access. You want discounts on Ubisoft games, you're gonna need Ubisoft Access.

Instead of having uniformity and getting discounts, deals, betas, early access, etc. on "games", in general, you're gonna need separate subs because the publishers differ. That $5/mo or $30/year sure is gonna add up.