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Well, this did kind of turn into a "PC is better..." thread, even if that wasn't your intent. Bro, let's be realistic for a second. Console specs never look great on paper, especially when you compare them to high end PC's. We are talking devices that need to sold at a fairly low price here, after all. The thing that consoles have always had going for them has been exclusive developer support from some of the greatest devs the industry has, a department that PC has always somewhat lacked in (at least in terms of AAA devs). You won't really find games from devs like ND, SSM, GG, Bungie, and EPIC. At least not their best works anyways.. Point is, it's not about how weak hardware seems; it's about how well a good developer can use it. These new consoles are definitely more powerful than the previous gen, than you may think. If games like Second Son and Shadow Fall haven't proved that, then I don't know what else to tell you. This gen is just getting started. Games aren't going to look that great this early on because we're still in the cross gen phase. Happens every new gen. Nothing new here. Just give it time and you will see.

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon