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Why Rust devs Facepunch decided not to announce another new game this week


EDIT: Facepunch are still going to announce the new prototype this week, Garry told us on Twitter. “Ian was just feeling a bit down :)”. Original story follows.

Facepunch unveiled their arcade space shooter Riftlight over the weekend - one of four prototypes currently in the works at the Rust studio. They were planning to talk about another, too - but reaction from the Rust community has been so bewilderingly negative that they’ve put it off.

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Creative reassembly: Total War: Shogun II is coming to Mac


Is Shogun II still the best Total War? Total War: Rome II might have been patched within an inch of its life, but Japan has always proven a leaner, more tightly-packed muse for Creative Assembly. Perhaps it’s a simple matter of geography.

Three years on, Feral Interactive have finally ported the series high point to Mac.

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A brief glimpse at Unreal Tournament's deathmatch: "We' have a game now"


Back at the end of May, the Unreal Tournament Team showed off the first footage of the upcoming multiplayer shooter. It came not long after the announcement of the project, and looked basic, to say the least. There were two guns and a big open space with some boxes, and that was it. 

Only a few months later, and there’s been a lot of changes. All the guns are in the game and the team has daily play tests. “We have a game now,” says senior designer Jim Brown. 

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Arno races the guillotine in a new Assassin's Creed Unity CG trailer


It’s always a little strange when new CG trailers get churned out for a game that we’ve already seen proper in-game footage of. Mind you, the latest CG trailer for Assassin’s Creed Unity is a smart one, with lots of flash and acrobatic shenanigans. 

It also introduces a woman, in case you were wondering is Unity would have any of them. Yep, there’s one. She needs to be rescued first, though. Ah. 

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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare's new trailer pits Frank Underwood against terrorists


In season 3 of House of Cards, Frank Underwood quits the White House and puts together a private military company to deal with the aftermath of a global terrorist attack. Politics just wasn’t cutting it anymore, but guns and jetpacks and drones do the job nicely. 

You can take a look at the story trailer for House of Cards season 3, titled Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare below. 

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Full steam ahead: World of Warcraft's Grimrail Depot dungeon is sure to become a favourite


After almost a decade of designing dungeons for World of Warcraft, you’d think that Blizzard might have run out of steam. But this fight through one of Warlords of Draenor’s dungeons, Grimrail Depot, suggests otherwise. The dungeon is a train. A moving train no less.

It looks bloody fantastic. 

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Prepare for Dragon Age: Inquisition with this combat primer


Don’t let Dragon Age: Inquisition’s month long delay get you down. Think of all the things you could do with that extra month like… watch more Dragon Age: Inquisition videos. 

The folks at BioWare have put together a series of videos highlighting specific gameplay features in the big ol’ dragon-slaying RPG. The first video went up today, showing off the game’s combat, both from an action perspective and a tactical one. 

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League of Legends' Gnar revealed: What if The Hulk was a Gremlin?


Jeremy was not far off when he compared League of Legends newest champion, Gnar, to a Gremlin earlier today. The wee beastie has been fully revealed by Riot, and yeah, he’s basically a Gremlin. 

Just bigger and meaner. Like a Gremlin warped by gamma radiation. 

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