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Chasesdaddy84 said:
ohmylanta1003 said:
Chasesdaddy84 said:
I've noticed a trend... Most everyone who says it seems like a legit game has played the beta/alpha or are currently in it. I just started it yesterday and I'm not saying it's a day 1 for me, but it's doing a damn good job of convincing me it is.

Then I've noticed nearly everyone who says "oh its WAY over hyped, looks lame, so on and so on" then I look at their Avatar and it's a big Mario Kart avatar or something similar to that... Hm... How much of the beta/alpha have these people played? My guess is little to none..

In the end it's all subjective. It's all our opinions and that's okay. Some will like it for what it is, some will hate it for what it is. and that's okay. Play what you enjoy and let others play what they enjoy.

I'd say that a lot of the people (especially on this site) that own a Wii U also own another console, so trying to say that Nintendo people are the haters is most likely wrong. I have a Wii U, but I loved Destiny and I can't wait to get it when it comes out. People that buy the Wii U know they aren't going to get third party games. We buy it for the great exclusives that it has to offer. We aren't jealous of a 3rd party game that's not coming out on the Wii U because we never expected it to be on the Wii U. That's why a lot of Wii U owners also have another console.

My point is, lots of people are loving this game and lots of people are hatin' on it, but please don't try to generalize who is hatin' on the game, because you and I both know damn well that it's not just Nintendo people.

Oh I agree wholeheartedly that it isn't just Nintendo fans hating. I said the "majority" and to be honest I think you are one of the rare ones that is seeing things clearly. I totally agree with you on most of your feedback... but its not so cut and dry as you make it out to be. Not EVERYONE who owns a Wii U owns another console. Maybe in time that will be more and more true, but as of right now that is definitely not the case. Also I only came to that conclusion after  reading this very thread. I love the Wii U and can't wait to add it to my collection. But to generalize and say that it is NOT like I stated above is more of a generalzation to be honest. Not many as of right now own all or more than one next gen console. THat will come in time I agree, esecially with the Wii U much like the Wii most had a second console for thrid Party.. Like i said it's all subjective. 

Good points and yeah, I think, like the Wii, the Wii U will become a very solid secondary console this generation, probably an even better secondary console than the Wii was. And thanks for the positive response, by the way. I don't see that very often around here!

I bet the Wii U would sell more than 15M LTD by the end of 2015. He bet it would sell less. I lost.