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padib said:

Good OP but there are a lot of contradictions, or at least seeming contradictions.

If you are pushing for Nintendo to attract a female audience, why in the same OP are you asking they make an FPS?

If you think the Zelda fanbase will be fractured due to a cartoon link, is it because it appeals less to men? Then in that case it should support your overall goal (to attract female players).

Amiibos are useful in the Smash world because 1) They are collectible, much like Smash trophies so it makes sense and 2) They will contain evolution data and will turn Smash into an RPG of sorts for those who have amiibos.

Other than that I completely agree, Nintendo should release Animal Crossing and Pokemon on the U, I have no idea why that is not happening yet. Everything points to Nintendo wanting to replicate the portable success on their home console, so where the hell is pokemon and AC, where are the games that girls like??

Well they should attrack female audiences, but shouldn't ignore the male ones. Yes, males have largely rejected the Wii U BUT they make up 80-90% of the console userbase.

They should make a push towards the female audience, but don't ignore the main people of the industry. Kind of like what the Wii did. The Wii made a HUGE push for non-gamers (and was successful), but they didn't ignore gamers. They still released Mario Galaxy, Zelda, Smash Bros., Metroid Prime 3, etc. etc.

Nintendo was once known for first person shooters. The N64 had great ones such as Goldeneye, Turok, and Perfect Dark. So it wouldn't be too unusual if they commissioned a FPS to compete with Destiny, Halo, Gears of War, Titanfall, etc. etc. I think Retro Studios would be the perfect studio to do that.

It may seem like in my original post I would totally ignore male gamers, what I meant was to start pushing towards attracting female gamers (but not ignoring male ones). 

The Zelda art style has fractured the fanbase, no doubt. Many people won't bother with the new Zelda because of the art style. Right now, the Wii U needs all the sales it can get. Nintendo can't risk it with their silly little art styles. It needs EVERYONE they can get on board, but cartoonish Zeldas tend not to be as popular as "realistic" ones.

See i don't even know what you're talking about with Smash and Amiibos. I see no reason to even bother with them, and I can't see them selling well. Nintendo is doing it all wrong... and what's so funny is that they have the ULTIMATE NFC Figure franchise: Pokemon. But as I said earlier, if it makes money and can become super popular, Nintendo wants nothing to do with it. Nintendo this gen HATES money and fame.

Yeah the Wii U has been a disaster so far. I don't even know if it can be righted now honestly. My suggestions are like last effort suggestions. To basically try to expand the userbase, rather than keep doing what's not working. Nintendo consoles are popular with girls too. Most YouTube girl gamers I see like Nintendo, and it's the same in real life (not saying ALL girls prefer Nintendo, not even close!). If one console maker can succeed in that demographic, it's Nintendo. But Nintendo for whatever reason has focused NOTHING on them. It shocks me.

Their excuse for no Pokemon console RPGs is not to eat in the sales of the handhelds, but I don't know if that is true. I think they could co-exist, and with Pokemon Amiibos, they could really break out and the Wii U would sell a ton.

To be honest if I was running Nintendo I would do the unthinkable and can the Wii U and release a new console by 2015.