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Pristine20 said:
Mystro-Sama said:

- My A/C is too cold but i'm too comfortable covered in my blanket to turn it down.
- The sea wind from my oceanfront apartment is wrinkling my shirts.
- I have too many game systems and so little time.
- I have games that are still sealed.
- People keep begging me money because of the wealth my family has.
- My parents are making me work for the summer.
- Not sure which car to drive today.
- Friends keep asking me to pull strings for them so they can stay at my hotel for the yearly weekend of partying
- My gardener isn't watering the grass properly and the dirt goes into the pool.

And I live in third world. The term is just so broad people misconceive it. There are thrid world countries that are well off. :/

I'd say that by definition a "3rd world country" can't be well off altogether. However, they can have a lot of "well off" people who live much better than most first world residents.

Funny enough, if we go by countries' wealth, isn't the U.S. the poorest country in the world?

Didn't say they were. There is no country where everyone is well off. There are a lot of people in the US living in less than adequate  My point is some people think all third world countries are the same and have the same problems.