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Burek said:
Teeqoz said:
Burek said:
It's everybody's prerogative to choise the game and the monetization style they prefer.
There are people here who prefer single player experiences with no DLCs. This is not a game for them.
There are people who enjoy playing annual franchises. This is not a game for them.
Then there are people who like coop and multiplayer experiences and enjoy having their game world expanded with new content. They will buy this game. And this is a thread for them.

There are people who enjoy CoD, but I highly doubt that they enjoy it because it's an annual franchise.....

I wasn't talking about CoD specifically. There are sports franchises that actually fit my intent much better. You pay a full price for a few graphical tweeks, a slightly different game mode and a shuffled roster. Yet they sell like hotcakes every year. And they should, because people obviously see the value. Those that don't, buy it once and shuffle rosters themselves.

So, some see the value in Destiny's strategy, some don't. And that's perfectly fine. Choices exist because we have different tastes. 

It's jyst annoying when people who have no interest in the game hijack the thread and waste everybody's time. I came here to discuss Destiny and its expansions, not to debate the monetization options of every other game ever made.

If someone dislikes the DLCs offered, say so and move on, or make a thread about the economic feasibility of gaming, because I'm sick of reading thread after thread of everything but the topic in question.


I'm just saying that something being an annual franchise is not a selling point, the game itself and the game mechanics is. If a guy plays cod without knowing it's an annual franchise it wont change his experience whatsoever.