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I like a unique art direction, and depending on the mood of the games, the art direction. I will go into more depth here on this.

Okami - Beautiful game, it's about loose drawing for weapons. Becuase of that, the loose art style, with the shaders they use, just fit together so perfectly. The game is near flawless in it's art direction.

elder scrolls - Ok This isnt a mainstream art favorite. But If you look at the overall art direction, it's so massive, so mystical, so overkill in many places. The foresty house in Morrowind, The citys the way stuff were shapped, designed, and overall made, I loved the art style. The Daemonic gates in Oblivion are BEAUTIFUL, the Daedric Armor, and alot of other stuff, overall I was dissapointed in content in Oblivion, but what was there, had great art.

Folk Soul - This one's not out yet, but I have the demo to it, and the general art direction is rather unique, and has a good feel to it.

PS: You can download the japanese version of the demo from the japanese PSN store. The game is beautiful, and so unique it's not even funny. It whiddled it's way into my MUST BUY list for this year... and I cant even read what they were saying. 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!