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phaedruss said:
ikki5 said:
DerNebel said:

And it also to a degree reminds me of last gens 360 vs PS3, where PS3 fans would constantly point out how launches aligned the PS3 was always ahead.

This is also and to a much clearer degree the case with the Wii U vs X1, just look at it:

  Wii U Xbox One
07.13.2013/07.12.2014 3,248,267 4,906,728

It's not even close.

In the first half of 2014 the X1 has outsold the first half of 2013 for the Wii U by about 2 to 1 and now people jump to the conclusions that the Wii U will be second because the Wii U (second year) is slightly outselling the X1 (first year) for a couple weeks, while still being clearly behind overall even in 2014?

Come on, I think we should know better than that.

that's the past, looking at things now, the Wii U has outsold the Xbox world wide on a couple of weeks and and when it hasn't, it's been very close. The first half yeah, it sold more but now, it struggles to outsell it. also, you'd expect something new to outsell something older in the first few months of a year, like come on. The Xbox One was only 2 months old in January. People were still trying to get their copy of the console. But now that the surge is over, the evidence is enough to show that it may not but such a killer as people claimed it to be.

Yes the Wii U has outsold the xbox one for a few weeks with the release of the Wii U's biggest game. 

and xbox one didnt get one either this year P

*cough cough* titanfall


(Won)Bet with TechoHobbit: He(Techno) says 10 million by January 1,2014 I say 9 million by then. Winner gets 2 weeks of sig control.

(Lost)Bet with kinisking: I say Ps4 will win April NPD while he says Xbox One will win it; winner gets 1 week of avatar control.

Raichu's First Series:

First RPG?

First Fighter?

First Racer?

First Shooter?

First MMO?

First Horror?

Official Ni No Kuni Fanboy:

Familiars Captured:37

Game Beaten: 2 times almost

Times I got teary during some scenes: 3