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Aura7541 said:
Machiavellian said:
Aura7541 said:

@1st Bolded. I'm talking about the X1.

@ 2nd Bolded. If you read the the text inside the parantheses, you'll find your answer. The difference was the time it took for Sony and MS to react. One company took a significantly shorter time to react than the other.

How was MS response or how timly they reacted not fast.  E3 2013 was June 11 - 13.  MS made their policy change June 19th.  How fast do you think it takes to completly change your policy and direction for a product that was years in the making.

I also have to say that the 2 scenerios are not equal.  Sony only needed to provide a disc for a game, MS has to throw out basically everything they wanted to do which I am sure cost them millions.  If we are going to compare scenerios that could be on the same level then the PS hack would be it.  It took Sony 2 weeks before they confirmed there was a hack and that customer info was compromised.  Both scenerios cost both companies millions.

MS had several red flags that were as clear as day. From the surveys to the "VS" videos from IGN, it was crystal clear that the X1 would do horribly at the state it was in. However, MS acted really arrogant, making up excuses like the consumers don't know what's best for them or the like.

Also, the PSN shutdown isn't similar enough when we're talking about a company listening to what the consumer wants/doesn't want out of a product. Huge difference there. Freedom Wars and X1 are products. PSN is a service and on top of that, what the customers wanted during the PSN shutdown was an explanation. Not a product, an explanation. Sony took 2 weeks because at the beginning, they did not have a complete picture of what was going on until then. Just because the PSN shutdown and MS's X1 fiasco costed both companies millions doesn't mean the scenarios are the same. Also, no one's customer info got compromised since there were no reports of credit fraud whatsoever, but I digress...

@ Bolded:  Could we say that Don Matt Acted arrogant instead of MS as a company.  I always like to separate people from a company because one bad apple is not always representive of the corporation.  How many times have people had a bad experience with one customer service rep, only to have a totally different experience with another.  It wasn't to long after that statement Don was headed to another job.  Do people believe something like that just happens out of the blue.

The PSN Hack is used because it showed Sony response time to something very critical and customer related.  Something that could have cause actual real problems if the information stolen led to cusumers credit cards being used illegally.  2 weeks to tell the public that your credit card could be compromised is nothing to dismiss and it has far more reaching effect than the cased used for MS.  In less than a week, MS used the information to make a drastic change in policy.  As huge as a company as MS, I can tell you thats fast.  You can bet there were meetings that last until the wee hours taking in information and deciding on a course of action.  At least one exec got thrown under the bus.