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BMaker11 said:
TheSting said:

It needed a firmware download to remove it. If it was easy to remove it would not have shipped with it. How much work was put into removing?

Why do games ship with Day 1 patches to up the rez to 1080p? They let the games go gold knowing full well they could just have it run at 1080p, but they still release and patch it the moment you insert the disc into the console. Clearly they have the code to apply it to the game beforehand, since they announce months in advance that the patch is released the day the game releases (when, in those months, they could just make the game 1080p on the disc), but they just don't apply it.

So, to answer your question: I have no clue how much work they put into it, but it doesn't mean they put a whole lot into it just because DRM was still on the console when the console launched

Actually thats not correct.  Games that come with day one patch mean that the changes needed could not be added before the Gold master is sent to production.  People forget their is a huge machine that goes into getting software and hardware into your hands.  Usually they have a process and timeline.  Missing those timelines would be very costly because a lot of marketing, hardware and software allocations and money spent is wrapped up in the process.

From my experience, I believe MS had to scrap a good portion of their OS security.  The 24 hour check was probably deeply integrated with how the X1 was made.  Just removing such a piece probably would introduce a hell of a lot of code especially if the security touched a lot of the OS when running games.  MS not only changed the DRM but they had to change how games would run since you had to install the game first.  It was not setup to run from disk as once installed you could literly throw the disk away.