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IkePoR said:
Machiavellian said:

The difference with me is that I do not form any emotional attachment to any corporation.  I give praise where I see it and I have given plenty to Sony because they have made the most improvement coming back from Hubris.  

"It is all a matter of cold calculation."


The whole point of all of this is that MS gave everyone the finger and told them to "deal with it".  Everyone instead gave it right back to them and MS went "Oh, we can't get away with that? Okay."

They should feel like idiots and apologize as the only reason they didn't shaft their entire fanbase was because of immesuarble backlash.

I guess this is where my opinion differs.  I did not think MS gave everyone the finger and said deal with it.  I actually listed why I thought their plan had merits but it was flawed.  The biggest piece was the DRM which was totally mis-conmunicated and fraught with to many issues to gain traction.  MS wanted steam on consoles but as always they totally misunderstood the market and the customers.  Their plan was totally incomplete and did not offer central point of information for the benefits of having a almost digital console.  Just asking this question but isn't what MS tried to do is basically what a Steambox is being advertise now.

It will be interesting when the steamboxes come out and if people will have a problem with digital only purchases that do not allow you to trade or sale your games (Once opened).  Well its the same thing today on PCs but not on a console type format.