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Aura7541 said:
Machiavellian said:

Why would MS need to apologize.  The X1 is a product not some type of institution.  Consumers were never forced to do anything because they have the right to not purchase the device.

Because saying "I'm sorry" only takes a second. Why they can't go out of their way to spend a single second to apologize makes me rub my temples.

Not to mention, they showed that they can apologize for mistakes, in the past. Just as easy as they apologized when finally acknowledged RROD, they could have apologized for telling everyone "Kinect IS Xbox One", "You can't just flip a switch with DRM", etc. When they made those reversals, they could have said:

"If we have let any of you down in the experience you have had with your Xbox 360  Xbox One, we sincerely apologize. We are taking responsibility and are making these changes to ensure that every Xbox 360 Xbox One owner continues to have a great experience" [exact quote from MS, edited for XBone]. But nope, it's all been masked in "choice" to make it seem like you should be grateful they aren't boning you anymore.

Nobody is saying the XBone reversals are a bad thing, so it's not a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. People are just calling out Microsoft's attitude towards them.