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#1 you clearly don't like the topic, at hand. "A big piece of his logic pie"....but that was one statement, out of "PS4 has games, Sony supports consoles after the successor, MS/Ninty don't support as much, the gap isn't closing since PS4 continues to outsell (despite MK8 and price cut giving boosts), PS4 has a 2M lead and it's growing". Out of all of the OP, a 20-word sentence was "a big piece of his logic pie"? Ok. I mean, he doesn't even say the PS4 has a "lack of supposed games", so you pulled that out of thin air.

#2 I acknowledged it was grasping at straws, but I also said I was thinking in the practical sense. But again, you went on the fritz about a tiny detail. All I said was that, their support was going toward the XBone, and then giving the 360 the scraps.

#3 Are we disagreeing on this point? When I talked about XBone games, I brought up Titanfall, Plants vs Zombies, etc. because it was MS money that made them exclusive/timed exclusive and that does equal support. But I like how you used the term "reach" so many times. I guess that really stung you when you realized what you were doing when you replied to the OP. Now, a legitimate question: has 3rd party exclusivity returned to being free? No? Well, if you pay for games to only be on your platform, I believe that is support. You can disagree all you want, but insuring that certain experiences are only available on your platform is support, whether you developed the game or not.

#4 "Things people say....." (the thread topic) was talking about the 3 points he made. You call out one detail within only 1 point he made and say it should really be called "Things people say when talking bad about Nintendo and MS". That 1 point wasn't the only thing he talked about, but the way you responded made it seem like the whole thread should be renamed.

#5 All of that was irrelevant. You merely said "Of course that's what they mean when they say no games" responding to "games that YOU don't like, or decided not to try out". You would put it in better form and say "XBone has no games I want to play"....but you just agreed that "no games = game YOU don't like"?  Sounds a lot like "no games = Xbone has no games I want to play", which is precisely the analogy I was making. But even that is irrelevant because despite whatever preference you have, "no games" makes no sense when you have multiple critically acclaimed, really popular games, on any platform. Whether I like Halo or not, the moment it drops, it counts as "games". Same with Uncharted or Smash Brothers. Otherwise, like I said, entire libraries could be discredited, despite general consensus.

Man, so many "LOLs", exclamation points, emphasis, non-sequitur examples, and use of the word "reach". I must have struck a chord. But you know what they say: you try and flip the truth when it hurts. Like when an anti-gay protestor holds up a Bible, and someone says "hey, doesn't the Bible say 'don't judge'" and the protestor says "hey, you're judging me!". He says that because he's being called out on his nonsense and he tries to flip it to ignore what he's been called out for in the first place. Kinda like you. You really are passionately trying to find something to disagree about.