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Raziel123 said:
What's with the silly wii comparisons? Do you think the PS4 will have the same "fall" as the Wii?.. The ongoing strength will easily make up for whatever it sells less of right now.

Yeah, those are always headscratchers for me too. Who gives a crap what the Wii sold at this point in its life? That is more or less completely irrelevant.

At the end of 2010 the Wii had sold over 80% of its lifetime numbers already, at this point the PS3 (which was just as old) had only sold a little more then 50% of its lifetime sales, heck maybe even less then 50% depending on where the console will end. Even the PS2 had sold only about 70 million after 4 years and that thing went on to completely decimate the Wii in overall sales.

The PS4 has to live longer than the Wii to outsell it, not match its initial weekly numbers. So stop making that comparison, it's completely pointless.