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10. If your rivals were only there to hate, it would be very tiresome. N is a perfect example, it's a full on rival that the player doesn't hate, but it's still memorable.

9. All Pokémon games are easy. I would say that now is more difficult because there's more mecanics to learn.

8. A necesary change. Dragons were to powerful in the 5th gen.

7. Agree. But you must remember that one of the aspects that made the franchise so appealing is that people start playing it from a very young age. If you are 6 years old, every help will be apreciated.

6. Agree too.

5. Really? I thought that wondertrade was an excelent idea. Young players will find more rare pokemon and more competitive players will throw all teir breeding rejects there, one man's trash is other man's treasure.

4. Yes, I got the same feeling too.

3. If people were able to hack the original gens back in the day, they would have done it.

2. Pokemon fanbase is a complicated fanbase. And not everyone will accept all changes, just look at the genwunners.

1. Megaevolution is a way to guve purpose to those pokemon that were never too competitive. How many people used Mawile or Charizard in OU? I don't like when an already powerful mon gets a mega (tyranitar, metagross...), but what can you do?

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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