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Does MS really need to win a generation if they can win the hearts of many without claiming a fake trophy? MS play a big part in this so called Console war, where they brought back Console FPS MP with Halo, bringing in Hard drives and now moving on with the Cloud. Sure there not the most popular choice atm however people buy consoles for there favourite games and not just based off hype.

I am a PC gamer and the only reason I brought a console (360) was because I wanted to play Halo, I couldn't care less about Gears or Uncharted or Mario but I love FPS and 360 had the best one going around. I brought a X1 for the same reason. I don't care if another console outsells it. I follow the games and if Halo was exclusive to PS4 then ill buy a PS4, but it isn't so my decision was made.