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Back in April we wrote a blog post describing the LPV* dynamic global illumination technology we’ve been working on for Fable Legends, using the power of Xbox One. We gave the code to Epic and they integrated it into Unreal Engine 4.

At the time of the post we were also working on a video, but with our preparations for E3 keeping us busy, we didn’t have time to finish it. We’re very happy to be able to release it now!

The video shows our lighting with dynamic time of day transitions. This is all rendered in-engine, in real-time, using an early version of the level we showed at E3. The level is lit with just a single directional light (the sun), and the sky. Without further ado, here it is:


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The assets and tech shown in the video are now a couple of months old, so expect the final version of this tech to look even better.

I'd also like to say a final word of thanks to Kelvin Tuite (our Creative Director), David Oxford and the rest of the environment art team for their amazing art; and Russell Shaw, Steve Brown and Chris Popiel for the beautiful audio.

As always we'd love to hear your thoughts on this video, so head over to our forums now to discuss!

Ben Woodhouse
Lead Graphics Programmer