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Bungie and Activision’s most anticipated action-RPG game Destiny is coming to the PC. Activision has been holding out on the release date for the PC, but some gamers have found that the game is on Steam’s database which gives some credibility to the claim.

According to the details on the Steam Database, the PC port of Destiny will be coming out on March 2015. For the console versions, the title will be released on September 9, this year.


“It is [a good fit], and it’s something we’re talking about and looking at very carefully, and obviously it makes a lot of sense with the genre and the type of game it is,” Activision CEO Erik Hirshberg said in an interview with Polygon.

“Again, no announcements, but it’s something that’s a heavy point of discussion. And you asked how we are dealing with the complexity of developing for so many platforms, how about one more on top of that?” he added.

When asked about how developing the game for the PC was going, Hirshberg responded, “You know, developing on PC is a different animal than developing for consoles and so we just want to make sure that we’re putting one foot in front of the other and getting it right, and that it’s of the highest possible quality. But obviously I see the same things about the natural fit.”

Destiny Beta for the PS4 and Xbox One will begin on July 17 for the PS4, while Xbox One users will see a July 20 Beta start. Only gamers who have pre-ordered the game will be granted beta access.