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Yes, but that's ancient history when the thought was that it could lead to something that might threaten MS's bottom line.

Consoles don't, at least not from 'competitors'. If anything, the entire Xbox console project is a self-inflicted wound on Microsoft's behalf.

When that thought process prevailed in the 90s-2000, the phone/tablet/mobile revolution wasn't even a blip on anyone's radar. It proceeded to completely take Microsoft by surprise and present a REAL and serious threat to Microsoft on a level never before seen.

Look at Surface, Windows Phone, Zune, Windows 8 (Metro), etc/infinity. Virtually every move they make in the consumer space now is ALL about fending off mobile threats and trying to crack those markets. All while consoles prove profitless and with zero teeth.

If you're in a fight with a bear, a lion, and a slug, who do you focus on first?

Ten+ years ago, they mistook the slug for a bear, but now the real rivals have Microsoft by the neck and are an ever-present danger.

As I said before, Sony could sell an infinite amount of Playstations and Vitas and other bullcrap, and it's meaningless to Microsoft's bottom line.

But can Google sell huge numbers of Chromebooks and other devices which infringe on Microsoft's core products? Can Apple continue to grow their adoption rate in businesses as well as solidify their core user base who will never give Windows Phone a chance?
