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I don't have much to say about the article's content and it seems others do but the title irks me a little.

"As Global PC Game Revenue Surpasses Consoles, How Long Should Console Makers Keep Fighting?"

When will people give up the idea that in the games industry (or any other) you need to win for it to be worthwhile competing? The only people who care about 'winning' in this context are a very small minority of overly fervent fans.

iPhone 'wins' over pretty much any other smart phone (still i think), but that doesn't stop Samsung. Android 'wins' over iOS for mobile OS sales but it doesn't mean Apple should give in.  Why? Because they are both making money, hand over fist. Being market leader in any field is only of value insofar as it is usually associated with having higher profits, all other things being equal.

And this is what is comes down to, making money. As long as a company is making money in any given venture, why would they give in? Even if they are only making a tenth of what the guy above them is making, if there is profit to be made why would they give it up? This is how the majority of businesses in the world persist, they carve out a profitable niche without any intention of seeking explosive growth or becoming a leader in their field.