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1) What are you... new to the internet?

2) New rules as in anti-cheating measures, or new gameplay/strategy ideas?  If you mean ideas to spice up gameplay, I can try to come up with something a little simpler than my previous suggestions.

3) You what?!  Dude, that's like owning an Xbox and never playing Halo!  Owning a Genesis and never playing Sonic!  Owning a VTech CreatiVision and never playing... ... ... ... ... never playing... ... ... uh..

4) It's funny how much our stories mirror each other.  Although, I wasn't in the Nintendo camp.  If anything, I was a Microsoft defender.  I wouldn't say that I was ever a fanboy but I definitely leaned more in their direction, and in retrospect, I'm sure that I defended them on some occasions when they didn't really deserve it.  But all of that came to a screeching halt at the start of this gen.  So, I may have started out with a different bias, but my "allegiances", such as they are, have definitely shifted in recent times.

1) No! ... I just just don't combine gaming with...that

2) Anti-Cheating measures mainly. New strategies maybe but it depends on what game(s) the mods approve. (If any)

3) I thought you couldn't own an N64 without playing Super Mario 64? You mean to tell me I've done it wrong? Well, I no longer have it so...too late.

4) Yeah, I've never really defended Microsoft before...I respect all 3 console makers though.