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Cobretti2 said:
The most important question is will it run in 1080p @ 60fps

I'm looking into 4k @ 120fps

WrathofTank said:
Joe, I agree with a lot of the others here. I'd don't understand the gameplay trailer at all. That doesn't mean it can't be fun, it just doesn't explain itself well. If it wasn't your game I probably wouldn't give it a chance based on that video. I hope that you can figure out a more effective way to market the game so that people will give it a shot. If you do a beta I will certainly try it.

Also, I find it very rude that some people want to so harshly ridicule this game that is from one of our very own. I feel like we at VGChartz at the very least should give it the benefit of the doubt at least until it has been released. There is a polite way of saying you don't like the way something looks, and then there is a disrespectful/ rude way. Just because you say no offense doesn't mean what your saying isn't offensive.

I fully understand.


There's a group of people that do seem to understand the core and are pretty interested, but then there are a lot of people that don't. I have an uphill battle with marketing to that second group, just because it is so different.


I have no problem with negative comments at the game though. Yeah I'd enjoy it if people were more civilized, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. I have a lot of confidence in the game.

JayWood2010 said:

Tetris was made decades ago with much less technical hardware.  I wouldnt necessarily compare a game made in 2014 to a game that released in 1984. 

That doesn't matter, but I can save time and just go with it.

Replace tetris with bejeweled. It's not an artistic game.

JayWood2010 said:

Dogs tags in CoD dont represent its artstyle.

Never said or implied they did.


However maybe this is your problem? Are you thinking of artsy as referring to an abstract art-style?