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Goatseye said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Its better that they go outward. Their internal first party isnt that great. Look how good Killer Instinct came out, but you dont really know who to trust as the developmental company because there is no stable name for the development, even though they've got Rare. Black Tusk was making a new IP and of course screw that. Lets stick with the status quo and not expand our minds. Gears of War. I'm not fighitng it. I love Gears, but Microsoft just isn't creative. They hire people to be creative for them.

Are you still preaching this fallacy?

I mean you defend a company that copies (yes I said it), Tomb Raider, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Dark Souls, etc...

Plus, puts out a game that shamelessly copies plots from movies and puts a little twist to it to call it original.

Also they have the nerve to call Quantum dream titles "games". If they are games my interactive Blu-ray movies are games also.

This fallacy you say....



Prove to me the prolific nature of Microsoft first party being on par with their competition. 

Exclude Quantic Dream games from Sony. You still have a slew of first party to go down. Sony has closed down four studios I believe in recent times but that was to free up the budget, not because of true failure. 

Nintendo has the best first party and Sony's is second best, but what makes Sony different is their innate passion to create different IP's and creating alternate experiences.

Microsofts top two games in Gears and Halo were not birthed by their internal studios. They brought both of those games into their studios by either purchasing the studio or buying the IP. Crackdown, Fable, Forza and Project Gotham are the greatest things that Microsoft has ever produced for the Xbox from scratch.

In the end....

just say you like the Xbox better and what is offered. 


Uncharted and Tomb Raider are both third person shooters, but Uncharted much like Gears of War takes queues from Killswitch even though they are both treasure hunting games. Uncharted is closed off whereas Tomb Raider is open. Not to say Uncharted never took anything from Tomb Raider, because I believe they did, but Uncharted is closer in tone to Indiana Jones in style of production. The Tomb Raider of today is more akin to Uncharted, which is why people have found a new vigor to play it, rather than ignoring the years of slumping sales Tomb Raider had to endure while watching Uncharted sell hand over fist for its style of doing things rather than theirs. 

The new Tomb Raider is basically Uncharted with a serious tone.  The storytelling isnt even on par with Uncharted nor Last of Us. The gameplay was fun because it is basically a tweaked Uncharted, no different than the new Mordor game is akin to Assassins Creed.

See the comparison here. If Tomb Raider didn't copy Uncharted the franchise would surely have died or remained stagnant.

Sony copied Smash, and Mario Kart. So? Doesn't the saying go immitation is the most sincere form of flattery, correct? Nintendo should be flattered. Are you angry that Sony tried to compete with them? At least they are able to. Sony has a long way to go before they understand the spark behind Nintendo's games.