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DolPhanTendo said:
burninmylight said:

But he has two finals MVP awards... You woudn't know though, because you don't watch basketball. You still think baseball and NASCAR are more popular. Do you still check the paper for last night's box scores?

Last time i checked Dwaye Wade is the winner not LeBron. LeBron jumped on Wades coattails to get him some rings. Wade has one more then him. And sorry NBA since 03 has been falling off in popularity due to players like Lebron thank the AAU for that. It is the 5th most popular. T.V. ratings dont tell the story attendence does. And bad teams do not get more then 10, 000 unless you are the Celtics even MSG doesnt sellout anymore that should tell you something

Then you need to check again, more than once every nine years:

No, TV ratings tell the story. If you've followed business in the past nine years, you'd know that every sports league values TV revenue more than ticket sales these days. There's way more money in TV contracts than attendance.

Just so you know, average attendance in every sport is down, while average TV ratings are up. It's not an NBA thing, it's a modern times thing.


EDIT: How could I forget, LeBron was also the season MVP for those two finals runs. Still think it was Wade's team?

"And in a season when he was the league's MVP for a fourth time, he has now added a second ring to the collection. Suddenly, his resume is looking as complete as some of the other all-time greats. Here's a club: He joined Michael Jordan and Bill Russell as the only players in league history to win back-to-back Finals MVPs and regular-season MVP awards"