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To the people who says that 8th gen games just look like 7th gen with some polish i can understand where you come from. Right now all we have seen is the image quality get bumped up. But it is straight up delusional to say that The order 1886 and uncharted 4 look like previous gen graphics. Honestly The order 1886 looks the closest to cgi i have ever seen any game ever do. The main problem is that these guys played 7th gen on pc at great image quality and now when the consoles get those very games on next gen consoles they dont recognize a difference.
As another guy said in this thread playstation 1st party graphics are special because they are the only ones who are pushing the industry limits at the moment. No big developer is pushing pc graphics to their limits. Thats why the gpgpu computation revolution will start with ps4 and not pc. I hate to say it but crysis 1 was so horribly optimized that even by todays standards it can be hard to run at a solid 60fps. And i feel that is how it is with most pc ports of games... they dont even bother optimizing the graphics for pc. This is also why i feel what John Carmack is saying is true with the a pc with similar performance as a ps4 needs 2 times the specs to be equal. This is shocking to me because you would need a gpu that costs as much if not more than the ps4 just to be equal. All the graphics cards that do 3.5tflops or above costs 450-500$ I wish someone would take the rendering techniques of the newest graphics cards and really push them to their limits so we could see some insane pc graphics where even console people would be believers. But so far only consoles have been pushed and therefore consoles actually have the best graphics.