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Hynad said:
Zero999 said:

so, a whooping 2.5kk base (if true). and only a fraction may buy. now, what about the other games that deserves a rerelease, acording to the original post's logic?

in the end, we go back to the start: it's a rerelease of a one year old game. the effort could be better spent elsewhere.

When is the right time to re-release a game, exactly?

Is it after a set number of years? Or is it when there's a demand for the product?

There is a demand for a PS4 version of The Last of Us. So what's the big deal? 

Nintendo could have spent the energy and budget they used for WW HD on an actual new Zelda for the console. I don't see you complain about it.

Oh... right... Only the age of a game is important to consider when re-releasing a game.
 Demand for the product isn't to be considered ever. ¬_¬

bold: no zelda would be built from the ground in a few months and with a ridiculously small team. try gain.

bold 2: again, this is a ONE year old game.