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God of War - To be honest Kratos's story isnt that interesting to me. Just an angry guy blaming the gods for his own actions so for three games he goes on a rampage killing one god after another. THe story shouldve stopped at 3. Frankly i can sum up the story in 2 sentences.

Assassin's Creed - This is more to do with the flood of sequels it has rather than it having sequels. I do believe this is a franchise that could go on for years and year, even today. But calm down with the yearly releases and give us time to miss it. It doesnt have a fantastic multiplayer that changes the expereience every time like Call of Duty or other yearly franchises.

Fable - This may be because im not a big fable fan, but i feel after fable 3 they shouldve left the fable franchise alone. I think that Fable 3 did so much damage to the franchise that even if they made the most amazing fable game in the world it still wouldnt reach its peak again. Fable Legends does look good but im thiking maybe they should of changed a few things and just called it a new ip personally. Luckily Lionhead is working on a new ip but i do hope they leave the fable franchise alone after Legends.

New Super Mario Bros - Honestly I feel NSMB2, U, and Luigi was meh.  Again this has nothing to do with stopping, just dont flood the market in a short period of time. Sure one wouldve been cool, but we didnt need 3 games that are identical as a game we got years ago. And frankly i find other 2D platformers much better than mario now. At least give them difficulty settings

I could think of more but ill leave on that