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RolStoppable said:
MikeRox said:

Didn't seem to hurt Microsoft in their attempt to push the 360 on the market. Dropping the original Xbox around 3 years after it launched didn't seem to disgruntle too many and that was whilst actively telling 3rd parties not to continue making new Xbox software. If Nintendo commit to their current software lineup for Wii U, it'd be an understandable time to progress.

The original Xbox had good enough third party support through 2006, so it wasn't really apparent to the average gamer what Microsoft was doing. Heck, we have people on this forum who think that Sony supported the PSP well into the Vita's lifecycle, but the reality is that Sony released maybe one or two games in 2011 before they called it quits for the PSP. The misconception stems from the continued third party support the PSP got. The 360 also benefited from its substitute being a god awful system, so even if some people were aware of what happened to the original Xbox, they were also aware of how bad the PS3 was.

I don't know about the US, but the original Xbox was on fumes after the 360 launched in Europe. That said, the GCN got a lot more 3rd party support in the US than Europe too. It really was PlayStation 2 or nothing after 2005 on the 6th gen here.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.