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McDonaldsGuy said:

I disagree and I can prove this. Majora's Mask sold bad yes, because of an expansion pack, but also because it was so different (3 day cycle, heavy focus on masks, etc. etc.) The expansion pack did have an affect, but Wii Motion Plus was far more widespread than the expansion pack (mainly thanks to Wii Sports Resort).... but let's face it, the hype for Skyward Sword was soooo small.

Think of it this way - the remake of Ocarina of Time on 3DS has sold 3.5 million. On the other hand, Wind Waker has just cracked a million. Now, you're response will be 3DS has a larger fanbase but OOT sold over a million when 3DS had a LOWER install base than Wii U.

The art style has a HUGE affect on sales and Zelda has a fractured fanbase because of it. The last thing Nintendo needs is another fractured Zelda fanbase (think GameCube).

You have to remember Twilight Princess got a ton of hype BECAUSE of its graphical art style. In fact, that's why they made Twilight Princess - as a response to the people who criticized Wind Waker. If Twilight Princess had Skyward Sword/Wind Waker art style it wouldn't have gotten half the hype.

The problem is Zelda is just so stale these days. It needs to make HUGE changes, and I don't think either Miyamoto or Aonuma can do that.

This guy gets it. Aonuma's artistic whims have severely damaged Zelda's reputation and fragmented its fanbase. Without him we wouldn't even be having these big debates over art style that continue to this day. The man is out of touch, he treats his personal fetish for "artsy" visuals as more important than the survival of the franchise and of Nintendo itself.

Between them, Miyamoto and Aonuma are a bigger threat to Nintendo than Microsoft and Sony are.