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Danman27 said:
SvennoJ said:

Not my experience with mods. They mostly bring a working game down to it's knees on my pc. A lot are more hassle than they're worth. In contrast every LBP level I've downloaded on ps3 works flawlessly. Sure most suck but never any performance issues.
Anyway it's not an argument against pc gaming in general, it's just not as great as people always make it out to be. I have had the occasional virus from downloading FSX mods, mods have crashed my games, introduced bad glitches, or slowed them down to a crawl.

Nowadays I rather play the base game than tinker around with mods. But if you like mods than sure pc is the place to be. Priorities shift when game time becomes limited later in life. I rather spend 1% configuring vs 99% playing the base game, while some people are fine with 80% configuring / taking screenshot and 20% playing a much better looking game.

Steam workshop is a great addition, but again if you don't have a big overhead in power you're likely to run into problems. 80% of the time it works great, 20% you're scratching your head, why is it not working... It's awesome to add user made maps to games, cities in motion 2 was pretty much build on that premise. It only includes a few generic base maps. Lazy if you ask me, but I guess they figured people would use the workshop to download maps from cities they know anyway.

You're distracting from the point though. First off, you're the one that brought mods into the argument, and this response seems to be acting as if I randomly brought it up. I also don't get the whole lbp argument. You're not modding with lbp. You're playing the game the way it's meant to be (side note, can't wait for LBP3!). You're also forgetting about the steam workshop. That's one of the best ideas steam has came up with. I usually don't mod a game unless the mods are on the steam workshop. These people create maps as vivid as the actual game. The skyrim mod I mentioned earlier many people actually consider it a better story than what bethesda came up with. Also, 80% configuring? The most difficult game I've modded was Fall out, which doesn't work on the workshop, and it took me about 30 minutes to set up everything. That's really not that big of a deal. 

I just mentioned mods since I have received a virus that way in the past. (Not through Steam workshop, Steam didn't even exist yet lol)

Modding or making maps / levels, same thing to me. LBP is designed that way, well Doom already had a map editor (was awesome) and I was replacing textures in Wolfenstein 3D before that, and hex editing civ.exe run-time library before that to radically alter how the game plays out.

I already said Steam workshop is a great idea, it came too late for me though. No more uploading/downloading for all kinds of community websites but have it all in 1 place is awesome. I've only used it for Cities in motion 2, made a map of my town and played some maps from where I grew up. I wish it had been around when I was still active, I lost most of my creations over the years.

What I meant with the 80/20 is I started running into the paradox of choice with my pc gaming. Too many options, I spend more time downloading and getting mods / planes / maps / airports / hd texture packs whatever to work instead of playing the game. Try it out, check what else is there, repeat.
I'll certainly get LBP3, try out other people's creations and maybe make my own again (always so much more work than it seems), but that's as far as I'll go nowadays. Too many options on pc for me (when it comes to game altering mods). I'm more of a BK man instead of Subway, I always end up with a Frankenstein sandwhich in that place :)

Anyway I don't see consoles dying. Mods have nothing to do with that. Someone who likes to play on consoles for the convenience is not interested in tinkering with 3rd party mods.