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SvennoJ said:
Danman27 said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Danman27 said:
Ka-pi96 said:

It really isn't easy though. I've tried it and the picture came out all pixelated. Not to mention how cumbersome a PC is and the need for drivers and updates and anti virus and stuff.

you're no more likely to get a virus playing a game on a pc or console. You need to update drivers on consoles. If a picture came out pixelated on a monitor that you plugged a PC into, you either didn't plug it in tight enough, you had a broken cable, or one of the connections was broken. So all I can say is sorry you have a broken device for that one. 

I've never ever heard of a virus on a console. And no I don't need to update drivers on consoles, it's all done automatically for me. I wouldn't even notice if a new update had been downloaded and installed, no hassle at all.

I'm saying playing games and downloading them through steam and origin will not give you viruses. Navigating the internet can give you viruses, but I'm assuming you have a computer anyways. What I'm trying to say is that gaming and getting viruses on PC aren't related. I also don't have anti-viruse software and I have no viruses or malware on my computer. Driver updates aren't necessary. They're optional to update. I usually update once or twice are year, and they give me noticably performance boosts. Other than that, most updates are also automatic on PC games. Are PC's slightly more difficult? Yes, slightly. But anyone could figure out how to use one with very minimal effort. 

Depends how dilligent you are when it comes to downloading mods. Some are outright scams, some hosted on dodgy websites. Just playing the base game won't give you viruses/malware indeed. Although Origin might be considered malware. Yup totally safe...

You  just gave PC gaming a MASSIVE advantage with the trade off of a tiny disadvantage. You can't judge things based on a different set of standards. If you're ranking them solely for gaming, a PC is no more dangerous than a console. Now if we're talking about modding, yes, it's slightly more dangerous. But keep in mind that CONSOLES DON'T HAVE MODS! In skyrim and fallout, there are mods that add a map that nearly half the size of the actual map... for free! And there's not just one, there's several of those. These people add voice acting and everything for absolutely no pay. There's mods to numerous games that make them look near photorealistic. Google skyrim 100 mods. It's one of the most beautiful things you'll see. Why am I talking about skyrim so much? Because almost every mod worth having is on the steam workshop. Which essentially is the free DLC shop. Then there are huge mods like that for numerous games. And small ones for almost every game that's out. Keep in mind, if you don't mod it, you'll have all the content a console game has except with better graphics. Bringing mods into the argument was a bad choice sir because, once again, you've shot yourself in the foot because you just decided to bring Mods into the argument to try and argue against playing on the pc.