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prayformojo said:
KLXVER said:
prayformojo said:
I'm old enough to remember when Nintendo, Sony and MS didn't even RELEASE remakes. Yes, that's right kids. There was a time when every game that was released was brand new. Crazy aint it?

Yeah, and not true.

Yeah, and very true. When the NES first launched, all of the major first party titles were new to consoles (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Kirby, Mike Tysons PO etc.) None of them were Atari 2600 remakes.

When the PS1 first launched, all of the major first and third party games were new to consoles (MGS,RE, Twisted Metal, Syphon Filter, FF7-9, Castlevania SOTN etc.) None of them were SNES remakes

When the PS2 launched, all of the major first and third party games were new to consoles (GTA3, GT3, ZOE, FFX, Ratchet, Sly, Jak, SOCOM, MGS2) None of them were PS1 remakes.

Believe it or not, companies use believed in releasing either brand new franchises or entries of old franchises. Maybe that's because today's kids are online begging for old games to get upresed and re-released instead of demanding new games. Just take a look at every thread that asked which Zelda should be next. Half will be "MM!!!! OMG!!! IT WOULD BE SO AWESOME!!!"

The NES had Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong jr., Mario Bros, Kung-Fu and Popeye. All arcade games.